Divi Ninja Geno Quiroz begeistert immer wieder mit seinen Snippets und CSS Tricks zu Divi. Neben dem Divi Marathon veröffentlicht Geno zusätzlich kostenlose Layout Packs, mit die man als Vorlage für seine eigene Divi Seite verwenden kann.

Hier ein Layout für Kirchen und Gemeinden…


Welcome to
The Way
A family of believers seeking the truth and the life.
Catch up on sermons anywhere.
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The Way is a church that believes in Jesus
Overwhelmed by the gift of salvation we have found in Jesus, we have a heart for authentic worship, are passionate about the local church, and are on mission to see God’s kingdom established across the earth.
Building Community
In our neighborhoods and to the ends of the earth.
Adopting of the thinking, behaviors, and practices of a missionary in order to engage others with love and the gospel message.

Love Our Community

Serve your community with love, passion and care. Once a month we launch into the community with 20-25 service projects that you can choose from. You will be part of a team serving schools, homeless agencies, community organizations, and many others.

Bless Our Schools

Every year we send the children from the Boys & Girls Clubs of our community; and other non-profit organizations back to school prepared to learn. You can help by donating school supplies for the backpacks we have already purchased.

Feeding The Homeless

Every Saturday we meet at 9:30a at Dorothy’s where the fun begins!! Chopping and preparing food, setting up the tables, making sandwiches and serve lunch to more than 150 people.
An Introduction To
Children’s Ministry
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Children’s Ministries partners with parents in the spiritual development of their families through a variety of programs and resources.
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The Young Adult Ministry is a group for people in the 18-25 age group.
Every Sunday night the Young Adult Ministry gathers in the Parkside Room at 7:00 pm for a time to worship, hang out with friends, and learn from God’s Word. Each week, we also break into smaller men’s and women’s growth groups to build closer friendships and discuss God’s Word.
An Introduction To
Young Adults
636x636 - pexels young adults


An Introduction To
Young Adults
636x636 - pexels young adults


The Young Adult Ministry is a group for people in the 18-25 age group.
Every Sunday night the Young Adult Ministry gathers in the Parkside Room at 7:00 pm for a time to worship, hang out with friends, and learn from God’s Word. Each week, we also break into smaller men’s and women’s growth groups to build closer friendships and discuss God’s Word.
An Introduction To
Women’s Ministry
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Women’s Ministry Director
Our women’s ministry exists to “Help as many people as possible become totally committed to Jesus Christ.”
Our Women’s Ministry lives out this mission as we help women: Live with Christ, Live like Christ, Live for Christ. We believe these three goals capture the heart of God for every woman.
We welcome visitors and would love to have you join us in one of our church services.
Service Times
Leave Blank
7:30 AM – Main Sanctuary

9:30 AM – Main Sanctuary

11:30 AM – Main Sanctuary

Lift Evangelistic Study

7:30 PM – Main Sanctuary

Men’s Ministry

7:00 PM – Main Sanctuary

Women’s Ministry

7:00 PM – Fellowship Hall

Mid-Week Service

7:00 PM – Main Sanctuary

Young Adults

7:00 PM – Main Sanctuary

Joyful Life

7:00 AM – Main Sanctuary

Through The Bible

9:00 AM – Main Sanctuary

Last Sunday’s Service
Last Wednesday’s Service
Passionate Worship
We are unashamedly passionate when it comes praising Jesus.
Upcoming Events
We are committed to helping you find the right path to spiritual development and ministry opportunities.
831 777 1234
Church Office
Monterey Address:
117 Pacific Avenue, Monterey
Get In Touch
We would love to hear from you.

THE WAY A family of believers seeking the Truth and the Life.
A Free Divi Layout Kit by Geno Quiroz


Elegant themes

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